So, ok.

As moments of a terrible nature strive for the lime light. As hate and devision prevails born from a world which is fundamentally in contradiction with itself. We must find a form of dysfunctional unity. If we are to learn anything from the past it is surely that tolerance, freedom and basic moral judgment of human kind,  must transcend all naive political tendency. No matter the failings of the West (and there are so many) it is time to join in a collective moment which stops this cycle. The evil acts of the few illogical and inhuman persons on many sides of the political spectrum need to be seen as what they truly represent! A world in pain from ideological stupidity which should have been iradicated in the last century. It’s a fucking disgrace that people can actually act and speak of hate against a fellow person in the way that they do. If we see ourselves as a ‘civilised’ species and want to evolve past the next 50 to a hundred years we need have a good bloody look at ourselves in the proverbial mirror! A moral and ethic, basic human law, implemented world wide, is what is needed in order to move into the next stage of the anthropescene. To avoid complete inhalation we need to come together and drop all deplorable prejudice. This is incredibly difficult as everyone must have a voice. However, if a truly evolved species can move beyond the Kardashev type 1 scale of civilisation (harness the energy emitted from its parent star) this is a political necessity. This hyperthetical agreement cannot be avoided in order for our survival to occur. 

The politics and neoliberalism of the last half of the 20th Century has resulted in further devision as forced globalisation. In turn, this has fostered an enterprise culture which serves shareholders and the individual singularly at societal expense. This of course isn’t the full picture. Many global corps do contribute. However, capitalist drive cannot have a moral dimension simply by the fact it is pure drive and a money making machine. What is needed is a socialist capitalism and a new order of politics which can be democratic without being discriminate and divisive. 

A plea by John Wright.